Home /Cu ETP

Alloy Name
UNS C-11000
DIN CEN/TS 13388 CW004A
EN E-Cu,E-Cu58
JIS E-Cu,E-Cu585
JIS C-1100


We are producing ETP Grade high Electrical Conductivity Copper Foils, Strips and Sheets with Thickness Range from 0.04mm to 2.5mm & Maximum Width of 400mm in all range of Tempers/ hardness with reduced burr height of below 15 microns.

Chemical Composition Weight percentage Main Applications
Cu 99.90 min % Electrical : Foil Wound Transformers, Switches, Elect. Terminals, Contacts, Flexible Busbars, XLPE Cable Wrap/Shielding Tapes etc.
O 0.005...0.0 40 % Industrial : Stamped/Punched parts, Chlorine Battery Caps, Heat sinks etc.

Cu-ETP Characteristics

Cu-ETP is an oxygen containing copper which has a very high electrical and thermal conductivity. It has excellent forming properties and AMWL-11 Grade is weldable which is very suitable for Foil Wound Transformers.

Physical Properties Typical values in annealed temper at 20 °C
Density 8.93 g/cm3
Thermal expansion coefficient -191 .. 16 14.1 10-6/K
Specific heat capacity - 0 .. 300°C 17.7 10-6/K
Thermal conductivity 0.386 J/(g•K)
Electrical conductivity (1 MS/m = 1 m/(O mm²)) 394 W/(m•K)
Electrical conductivity (IACS) 58 MS/m %
Thermal coefficient of electrical resistance (0 .. 200 C) 100 10-3/K
Modulus of elasticity ( 1 GPa = 1 kN/mm²) cold formed 130 GPA

Fabrication Properties

Fabrication Properties
Capacity for being Hot and Cold worked Gas Shield Arc Welding Machinability Excellent Very Good
Capacity for being Hot-Dip Tinned 20% of Free Cutting Brass
MDI usually maintains a surface roughness in range of 0.15 to 0.25 on Ra scale for Better Electroplating Properties. Excellent
Mechanical Properties (EN 1652)
Temper Tensile Strength Rm MPa (N/mm2) Yield Strength Rp0.2 MPa (N/mm2) Elongation A50mm % Hardness HV
O (SOFT) 210 min 70 35 Min 65 Max
HB (half Hard) 240 min 180 10 Min 70 to 95
HD (Hard) 290 min 250 90 min

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